Learn and Lead: Transforming Your Business Through Strategic Workforce Development

In a world where skills gaps challenge businesses daily, how will your company rise above? Embrace the power of knowledge through strategic workforce development and revolutionize your future. Make this the year to Learn and Lead. Equip your team and organization with cutting-edge learning strategies and tools. Not only will this fuel your current growth, but it will also position you to seize tomorrow’s opportunities. Don’t just survive – thrive. Remember: Leaders shape the future; reactors merely survive it. The choice is yours: LEAD through workforce development, don’t just react.

Critical factors to consider when developing a LEARN & LEAD culture for effective workforce development:

  • Addressing the talent drain: A recent study in Minnesota revealed that manufacturing is losing young talent to other industries.1 Despite offering competitive wages, manufacturers struggle to retain the talent needed for the digital future. How can your workforce development strategies entice young talent to your organization? 
  • Closing the skills gap: The manufacturing sector faces a daunting statistic – nearly 3.5 million jobs will likely need to be filled over the next decade, with 2 million potentially remaining unfilled.2 Apprenticeship programs, as part of a comprehensive workforce development strategy, can effectively close this gap, building a pipeline of skilled workers while boosting retention and productivity. 
  • Mitigating turnover costs: Human capital significantly impacts organizations struggling with workforce retention. The Cost of Turnover starts at a minimum of $8,000 per employee and escalates from there.3 Effective workforce development, including upskilling opportunities, can mitigate these costs and save your business money in the long term.
  • Adhering to education standards: ISO has developed ISO 21001, the first management system standard on education.4 This standard, along with others like ISO 29993, can guide your workforce development efforts, ensuring high-quality learning services across various contexts, including vocational education and in-company training.
  • Understanding adult learning: Effective workforce development requires understanding how adults learn.5 Empathy plays a crucial role in adult learning, cultivating motivation and ensuring satisfaction in training programs.6 As AI integrates into the learning process, understanding these human elements becomes even more critical to building a strong Learn & Lead culture. For instance, there are multifaceted challenges that affect motivation for learning.  One element that is often overlooked is empathy. Empathy with a learner’s experiences, strengths, and weaknesses cultivates motivation and ensures satisfaction when engaging in training programs.

QC Training Services’ mission is to be North America’s leading and most trustworthy Quality and Technical training company.

Let us help you develop a Learn & Lead culture and implement effective workforce development strategies. Visit www.QCTrainingInc.com to learn more.



  1. How do Young People in Minnesota Perceive Manufacturing Careers?, May 6, 2019, West Monroe Partners, 2019; https://www.westmonroepartners.com/Insights/White-Papers/Minnesota-perceive-manufacturing-careers
  2. Strong Manufacturing Communities Help Close the Skills Gap, March 13, 2019, ToolingU | SME; https://www.toolingu.com/Resources/Blog/March-2019/Strong-Manufacturing-Communities
  3. Cost of Turnover Tool, March 18, 2019, Aspen Institute; https://www.aspeninstitute.org/publications/cost-of-turnover-tool/
  4. ISO 21001:2018 – Educational Organizations – Management systems for educational organizations – Requirements with guidance for use, Publication date: 2018-05; https://www.iso.org/standard/66266.html
  5. eLearning Industry – Adult Learning; https://elearningindustry.com/tags/adult-learning
  6. 5 Keys to Motivating Adults to Learn: Empathy, March 2, 2016; https://www.iacet.org/news/iacet-blog/blog-articles/5-keys-to-motivating-adults-to-learn-empathy/