What is the right approach to be effective?
This topic was presented at the International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS) 2018 in Chicago, IL by Anish Shah.
Anish conveyed that an effective dimensional metrology standards management process for manufacturing companies is essential to business success. Those companies adapt and incorporate national as well as international published standards. In the past 100 years, hundreds of national and international standards, and related manufacturing and metrology documents, have been put in place. Coincidentally, the first ever ISO standard, ISO 1 – released in 1951, pertained to the field of Metrology. Unfortunately, many are not actively used, and, in many cases, unawareness of these documents often leads to needless conflicts between suppliers and customers.
Why Quality Standards? To achieve quality results!
Effective Implementation of quality standards for metrology can facilitate the following:
- Communication in international trade; everyone is speaking the same technical language, units of measurement, etc.;
- Enhance the free movement of goods and services;
- Provide a set of standards for contractual purposes; thus, allowing use of legal metrology between suppliers and their customers;
- Provide for independent verification of an organization’s quality management system, which leads to customer and stakeholder confidence; and
- Provide an agreed-upon structure that prepares the organization for the growing international emphasis on quality.
Anish shared a simple example of an overlooked implementation of ISO 1. The standard specifies that “The standard reference temperature for dimensional measurement is 20o C (68o F)”. More often than not, this requirement is not explicitly stated on the inspection procedures. As a result, suppliers, as well as customers, verify the product at different temperatures. This frequently results into discussions on whose measurement is right, thus delaying the use of product (on-time delivery, product release to market, etc.). A standards framework will ensure that the relevant standards are reviewed and implemented within the manufacturing and metrology practices, thus preventing errors and subsequent downtime.
In summary, Anish’s presentation provided 1) an overview of the ‘metrology standards framework’ and 2) a ‘systems approach’ that defines a range of acceptable standards. This approach allows the organization to balance the use of existing standards and incorporate other necessary and valid standards. It has been shown that companies which have adopted internationally recognized standards for quality inside their business systems are ahead of their competition!
Upcoming LUNCH & LEARN
Quality Standards Framework
FREE Lunch & Learn, Minneapolis, MN | November 14, 2018
You’ll walk away with an understanding of a quality standards framework for dimensional metrology that can effect positive change within your organization. If you can’t attend the Lunch & Learn and would like more information regarding this topic, email Anish at ashah@qctraininginc.com.
Seminar attendee followed up with an email:
“Thank you for presenting this seminar. I came forward and spoke to you afterward. I asked if you could send me the PowerPoint presentation you used for this seminar. I would greatly appreciate a copy, as my company is in need of training in standards necessary to implement a stronger QA team.”
Anish is the current General Manager of QC Training Services since Jan. 2017, which provides quality and technical training to companies nationwide. In his most recent role, he served as Director of Metrology for 7 years. His primary responsibility included providing leadership and direction concerning measurement equipment used in inspection, calibration, process development and production applications. Prior to that, he had 10 years of experience with several companies, in a variety of industries, supporting quality and dimensional metrology enhancement projects. Anish holds a Masters in Technology Management and is an ASQ Certified Quality Engineer.
He offers his expertise to individuals and companies in formulating training roadmaps in the areas of machining, metrology, quality and GD&T. He continues to provide training on the understanding of fundamental measurement principles, measurement systems analysis, and measurement practices, with an emphasis on evaluating and reducing measurement uncertainty.